Enigmes en brochette (français)

Cette application va vous offrir un challenge de taille avec de nombreuses énigmes à résoudre. Vous n’aurez pas de contrainte de temps et vous pourrez voir la solution à tout moment. Téléchargement : Enigmes-1.5

Enigmes (english version)

This app will challenge you to find solutions to a huge number of enigma. Each enigma comes of course with it solution and you will have all the time you need to find it. Be aware that this app is french only. Download : Enigmes-1.5


This is a simple app to get your local IP (the one your phone has been given by your ISP) and your Internet IP (the one visible through Internet). Most of the time they differ because your ISP doesn’t have enough public IP (Internet routable IP) so they give you unroutable IP and use NAT… Continue reading My IP

Accessing your phone files using MTP on Debian Jessie/Sid

Accessing your files from your android smartphone using debian should be easy : you just need the mtpfs (currently only in sid) and libmtp9 packages. But for me it was not just that easy. After installing this package and trying to “mount” my smartphone I would get the following error : user@machine:~$ mtpfs temp/ Unable… Continue reading Accessing your phone files using MTP on Debian Jessie/Sid

Categorized as Howto

Google Reader alternative : use a free Tiny Tiny RSS provider !

As Google is shutting down Google Reader, I’ve looked for an alternative of this great RSS reader. I had only 2 criteria : free can be accessed from a desktop browser and from my android phone/tablet I’ve checked some well known “clone” of Google Reader (Feedly for example) but I didn’t like the experience and… Continue reading Google Reader alternative : use a free Tiny Tiny RSS provider !